Upcoming events
11/6 - FULL DAY OF SCHOOL 11/7 & 11/8 - No School Week of 11/11 - Teacher Conferences, 1:10 Dismissal Week of 11/11 - Book Fair! (M/Tu/F 1:30-5:30, Th 6-8) 11/12 - Family Fun Night at the Roller Rink 11/21 - Holidays for the Children donations due 11/27 - Early Dismissal (1:10) 11/27 - Spirit Day (Flannel!) 11/28 & 11/29- No School - Happy Thanksgiving! December
Please note that all dates are subject to change
Current Lunch Menu
Important links
Genesis Parent's Portal click here
District Calendar Page click here Oak Street Elementary School Website click here OSS Parent & Teacher Handbook click here A to Z Directory Login click here Before & After Care Info click here Teacher Wish Lists click here Thanks to Our PTO Sponsors!
Thank you to our PTO sponsors, Community in Crisis, Kumon in Bernardsville, Washington House, and iTeachSpeaking.com. Take a moment to visit their pages today!
PTO Information & Happenings
Book Fair is the Week of Nov 11th!
The Scholastic Book Fair is less than two weeks away! Bring your young readers and experience the book joy. Plus, every purchase benefits our school. For fair details and fun, interactive book previews go to: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/oakstreet. To volunteer, click here. Family Fun Night at the Roller Rink!
Join us on Tuesday, November 12th for Family Fun Night at the Florham Park Roller Rink! Click here to register and/or volunteer! Holidays for the Children For many years, it has been an OSS tradition to support children in need through a “Holidays for the Children” program. This year, we have partnered again with Homeless Solutions, Inc. (HSI) in Morris County to provide gifts to children in HSI shelters and transitional housing, as well as to those whose families recently graduated from the HSI program. Please send your child’s donation to school in an envelope marked for “Holidays for the Children” by Thursday, November 21. If you are willing to volunteer to shop for the items, please contact your class parent(s).
Arty Party is Back!
Interested in creating more cool art with your friends and Mrs. Tolentino after school? Sign up for Arty Party! New session starting November 6th! Click here to register! Get Involved
Volunteer Training - To volunteer in the building during school hours, parents must complete the 24-25 Annual OSS Volunteer Responsibility Agreement.
Beautification Committee - Some staff members and teachers at OSS have started a Beautification Committee to make improvements in the school building. They may need volunteers throughout the year for different projects at school. If you're interested in being involved, please contact our PTO liaison to the committee, Erica Bell at [email protected]. Welcome New OSS Families!
If you are new to the OSS Community please email [email protected] so we can welcome you and add you to our school AtoZ Directory.
Oak Street School participates in the Box Tops program and there are a few ways you can help us earn money! The easiest way is by downloading the Box Tops app. From there you can register and connect with Oak Street School and start scanning your grocery receipts! Program Info Here